
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28

Spearheaded by the founder, World Outreach Ministries trains believers to go to the ends of the world to spread the gospel of Christ. We reach out to nations, communities, and societies with the Word of God. Our message is salvation, repentance, healing, restoration, blessing and thereafter picking up of the yoke of Christ

We have successfully done missions in several parts of the country. From Nairobi to Kitui, Mombasa, Kisumu, Siaya, Nandi, Vihiga, and West Pokot, we have preached the gospel Of Christ with Love. We are also represented in other countries such as Liberia, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, South Africa and Tanzania. We have seen hundreds get saved, healed and receive hope.

Soul Winning program

Soul winning is the evangelism act of witnessing to someone about the goodness of Jesus Christ, his saving power and the Gospel of reconciliation with God. Soul winning is important because there is only one way to be saved. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to The Father except through him. By sharing this information with everyone who does not know Christ, we are fulfilling his assignment as it is his desire that all should be saved.

It is important to note that after Adam, the first man, sinned every human being is born with a sinful nature that hinders a connection with God. This connection existed before the fall of man and is restored through the acceptance of Jesus Christ in our hearts. The restoration of the connection is called reconciliation. Soul winning is about explaining to a lost soul the importance of accepting Jesus Christ in their hearts. Through the acknowledgement that Jesus Christ came and died for all our sins, a man is saved and receives the forgiveness of sins. 

Since there is one and only one way of receiving reconciliation and forgiveness of sins, we have to spread the message of reconciliation with God for every living human to receive before the end of time. We therefore travel city to city and town to town on a grand mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ preaching salvation to all nations. 

The Soul Winners' Club

To effectively prepare for soul winning, World Outreach through the missions department headed by Mr. Mbogo Nicasio, carries out a 12-week soul winning training program that teaches believers on how to witness. There are several points enumerated such as how to begin and handle a conversation, how to share the Gospel and how to pray for the person to receive Christ in their heart. Learners also learn to use tools such as tracts and bracelets specially designed for soul winning.